Community Development Program (CDP)

The Community Development Program (CDP) delivers Work For the Dole (WFD) activities to prepare job seekers for work readiness and employment opportunities, identifying and addressing barriers to employment whilst contributing to their communities through a range of flexible activities. Activities may be compulsory for many people receiving government entitlements.

Our activities and support are customised to the needs and wants of the local community, including the local social and labour market. We have expert knowledge of our region and can tailor our services to the local employment opportunities. We are also a leading culturally safe provider and can balance the CDP requirements of the Federal Government.

Our service footprint covers all Alice Springs Town Camps, Amoonguna community and eleven remote outstations north of Alice Springs.

To support job seekers towards job readiness we provide:


  • Transport to and from activities and CDP appointments;


  • Drivers licence training and assistance;


  • Police Checks and Ochre card applications;


  • Organising and coordinating work skills training with external providers;


  • Literacy and Numeracy (LLN);


  • Activities that build work like skills; and


  • Lunch daily to CDP activity participants.


Men and women can participate in many activities including:

(16-24-year-old jobseekers)

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  • Nursery – Horticulture
  • Men’s Shed – Building industry 
  • Amoonguna Men’s Shed - Building industry 

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  • St Mary’s Ladies Art and Craft
  • Amoonguna Ladies Art and Craft

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Our activities produce quality hand made products. We regularly host popup shops around Alice Springs as an opportunity for participants to promote their products for retail sale to the local community and earn an income. Recently our Men’s shed was commissioned to produce custom outdoor furniture for a local business and our Nursery has just begun producing handmade leather works which will likely lead to retail opportunities. 

As well as delivering CDP WFD activities the CDP program is also an Employment Service Provider with Employment targets to achieve each 6-month period. Dedicated Employment and Retention staff supported by the broader TES team, work with jobseekers to identify suitable employment and/or training opportunities that can lead to a participant securing employment in their chosen field.

The Employment and Retention team also build relationships with the mainstream Employer by providing them with information on Employer incentives and informing them of the support that TES can provide the individual jobseeker as they navigate through the application into employment path.
Call us on 8950 9100
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