While Town Camps are located around Alice Springs, residents are often culturally and linguistically isolated from the services available in town. Provision of services by Tangentyere means that Town Camp residents have access to services that they would otherwise miss out on. We aim to improve a range of wellbeing outcomes for children and families experiencing vulnerability by supporting them to access services that will help address their priority needs.
We operate Community Centres at Karnte, Hidden Valley, Larapinta Valley, Little Sisters, Charles Creek, Warlpiri and Trucking Yards Town Camps. They are a multi-purpose family resource where many Tangentyere services often in partnership with government and other non-government organisations, can be accessed and integrated by Town Campers. Operating from a strengths-based approach, each Centre aims to improve the health, social, environmental and economic wellbeing of the community in a way that strengthens and respects culture.
Community Centres provide a common, safe space for Town Camp residents to use to improve their health and wellbeing in a culturally appropriate way. Each Centre provides services and programs for residents and visitors of nearby Town Camps.
Our programs focus on:
Each Community Centre has the support of a Community Centre Coordinator and Service Connector who work closely with the community in developing and implementing a wide range of community led programs and services that are tailored to the needs and wishes of the community. Outside School Hours Activities are also run in Community Centres.
Each Community Centre is community controlled.