The Town Camp Housing Associations and Tangentyere Council Aboriginal Corporation (TCAC) were formed by Town Camp residents to support their efforts to gain access to land; housing; and municipal and essential services. In 1979, TCAC was incorporated as an Aboriginal Community Controlled Housing Organisation (ACCHO) and peak for the Town Camps.
Between 1979 and December 2009 we operated as an ACCHO managing Community Housing on the Alice Springs Town Camps. Since then the Department of Local Government, Housing and Community Development has been the Housing Authority on the Alice Springs Town Camps.
Along with our subsidiaries, we continue to deliver housing related services under contract from the DLGHCD including:
- Tenancy Management on Town Camps;
- Property Management on Town Camps and 11 Remote Communities;
- Panel Contractor for the Provision of Trade Qualified Repairs and Maintenance Works for the Town Camps and 22 Remote Communities;
- Tenancy Support Services to Vulnerable Households on the Town Camps and Urban Alice Springs; and
- Municipal and Essential Services on 7 Town Camps
The ability to obtain and to maintain housing reflects a major determinant of health and well-being. We know that a Community Housing Model for the Town Camps is essential, and are working with our corporate members and subsidiaries in partnership with the Executive Director of Township Leasing (Commonwealth); the NT Department of the Chief Minister (DCM) and the NT Department of Local Government, Housing and Community Development towards this. This means an equal collaboration with the Commonwealth, Territory and the National Affordable Housing Consortium (NAHC). In 2019, we moved a step closer to this goal and signed a Commitment Agreement for Local Decision Making with the Territory Government.
To read more about the housing programs and services that Tangentyere offer, please see below: