The Town Camp Wellness Framework is the overall balance within the Town Camp and impacts on the wellness of each individual living there. It has been developed by Town Campers and is underpinned by the premise that strong wellness of a Town Camp will improve the wellbeing of individuals living there. Physical, social, emotional, cultural values along with work, learning, safety, environment, and access to material basics all impact upon each other and the overall wellness of each Town Camp.
The seven dimensions of the framework required for Town Camp wellness are:
Apmere anwerne-kenhe anetyeke
Keeping Our Country
Encompasses the interactions between individuals and their ‘habitats’ at a local, community and global level, and includes safety in nature, home, work and the community.
Apmere tyerrtye mape kenhe
Embraces positive relationships and connections with families and others and includes love.
Access to basic things needed to live a ‘normal’ life, including financial and occupational wellness, stable and healthy housing, clean water, clothing, healthy food, etc.
Utenge anwerne-kenhe mwarre anetyeke
Healing (Mind, Body and Soul)
Having one’s physical, developmental, psychosocial and mental health needs met to achieve optimal developmental trajectories and opportunities. Includes access to preventative measures and health education as well as access to services to redress emerging health issues.
Akaltye anetyeke
Formal and informal experiences in the classroom, at home and in community, throughout the course of one’s life, to maximise life opportunities. Includes cognitive and creative pursuits to also enrich one’s capacity to make decisions, problem solve and maintain mental agility.
Engagement with peers and community, including governance and decision-making, determining systems and having a voice and say on matters. Includes access to digital systems and technology for social connections.
Iwenhe unte aneme
A positive sense of self and culture underpins all of the other dimensions and is fundamental to overall Town Camp wellbeing. Cultural wellness refers to an ability to both enact one’s own cultural values as well as interact effectively with people from different cultures and working towards eliminating racism and systematic discrimination, whilst spiritual wellness is seeking meaning in existence.
Tangentyere would like to thank and acknowledge Akeyulerre for the translation of these words for the Town Camp Wellness Framework.