By IT Support
July 30, 2020
Today the Tangentyere Council executive including the Men's Family Safety Group welcomed the Chief Minister, Michael Gunner, to the Council for a ceremonial signing of a Local Decision Making Agreement (LDM) with the Northern Territory Government. Our CEO, Walter Shaw, said “this is a momentous occasion for the Northern Territory Government and Tangentyere as well as the Town Camps of Alice Springs and the Housing Associations”. The Chief Minister noted that “this Agreement is proper recognition of what you want to achieve, what you can achieve and how to work together to make sure that happens. The First priority – You are in charge of your own housing, I think that is a really important place to start everything”. The LDM Agreement sets out the priorities for changes to occur, with emphasis on the first priority of a community controlled housing model for all of the Town Camps and aims to deliver long-term wellness outcomes. Walter highlighted “this is where Aboriginal people have community control handed back to them … and self-determination is the vehicle for that change”. Read more about Local Decision Making at Tangentyere here and the Wellness Framework that underpins this work.